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Received: from frigate.doc.ic.ac.uk by access.digex.net with SMTP id AA24088
(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <mcox@access.digex.net>); Sat, 2 Oct 1993 08:18:09 -0400
Received: from doc.ic.ac.uk by frigate.doc.ic.ac.uk
id <06055-0@frigate.doc.ic.ac.uk>; Sat, 2 Oct 1993 13:18:03 +0100
From: Paul Hickman <ph@doc.ic.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1993 13:17:59 +0100
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.3 5/22/91)
To: mcox@access.digex.net, dreyfusj@issy.cnet.fr, sfmcnally@BIX.com,
sikorsky@ee.ualberta.ca, 95ACHURCH@vax.mbhs.edu,
duncan@helois.usq.edu.au, tjark@uni-paderborn.de,
Subject: Thank you
Message-Id: <"frigate.do.057:"@doc.ic.ac.uk>
Status: RO
Thanks for testing my PratchED program & replying (I send it to 20 people, and
only 8 have given me feedback) - you will be credited in the doc file for your
assistance. I have almost finished the program now, and I haven't heard of any
bugs in the latest version, so I hope to release it soon.
I am just re-writting the requester code, to make it totally portable - just
copy the procedures to another program, and to add new requester features
- Press a key when no string gadget is active now works with an number of
gadgets in the string.
- Check mark options & Apple style Radio-Buttons included in requesters
- A selector gadget inclued. This is like the filename list in the
fie requester, along with the attached slider
- Sliders don't use the AMOS slider commands anymore, so they don't flicker
so much, and they have Up / Down arrows (Or Left Right)
- The REQUEST_GET_INPUT procedure now handles user I/O for all requesters
(Including file, about, and hypertext).
- The about requester will be moveable like the rest.
- Requesters will work on 4/8/16/32/64 colour screens
- File requester brings up a Retry / MakeDir / Cancel requester if you
type a non-existant path.
I hope to release the requester code as a seperate PD program, with a guide
to using it. I am also working on the sequel to PratchED - The PratchED Hex
editor. I hope to improve on hex editors such as NewZap by allowing you to
change the length of the file, insert / overwrite text, and include the
normal WPC Cut/Copy/Paste etc functions.
If you would be interested in testing this program, please mail me.